Scheltens & Abbenes and Bertjan Pot

Kite club

Making kites is an age-old craft that has been done worldwide. Scheltens & Abbenes and Bertjan Pot (The Netherlands) study how to translate it to the modern world with modern materials. For them, the best thing about making kites is the materialization of an idea: “just like any work of art, we want to hang on the highest nail and show to everybody. For a kite this is not in the ‘white cube’, but in the ‘blue sky.”

Making a kite is a craft, an act of design and an artistic expression. Making and flying kites together is a performance and a social event. Maurice and Bertjan like sharing their ideas and knowledge and try to keep an open-source mentality when it comes to flying kites. During the CAN REON Festival, if it is windy, Scheltens and Pot will fly kites.

@_kite_club_ is the Instagram account of Maurice Scheltens (Scheltens  & Abbenes),  photographer and Bertjan Pot, product and textile designer, where you can see their joint work.

Scheltens & Abbenes and Bertjan Pot


27 - 28 September. During all the Festival

Buy CAN REON Festival tickets