Finnish chef Sami Tallberg is a pioneer in the art of foraging and wild gastronomy, weaving ancestral knowledge and nature’s bounty into extraordinary culinary experiences. Known for his deep understanding of wild plants and their medicinal properties, Sami’s work is a heartfelt homage to the traditions of foraging and the natural world’s potential to nourish and heal.
In 2024, Sami captivated us at the CAN REON Festival as part of Nina Backman’s Silence Lunch, showcasing his talent for creating profound connections between food, nature, and culture.
For the 2025 edition of the CAN REON Festival, Sami returns with his highly anticipated Wild Wild Menu. This unique dining experience not only celebrates the flavors of wild plants but also emphasizes their nutritional and medicinal benefits. By artfully combining foraged ingredients, Sami harnesses the synergistic effects of their healing properties, crafting dishes that are as restorative as they are delicious.
The event begins with a foraging walk at 12 a.m., where Sami will guide participants through the Can Reon grounds, introducing them to the rich flora of the region and sharing insights into the edible and medicinal treasures it holds. Following the walk, at 2.00 p.m., guests will gather to enjoy Sami’s Wild Wild Menu—a meal designed to inspire and nourish both body and soul.
Join Sami Tallberg at the CAN REON Festival 2025 for an unforgettable journey into the world of wild food, where gastronomy meets the wisdom of nature.