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Respect for the Environment and Biodiversity

The CAN REON estate, spanning over 23 hectares, is located at the foot of the Conreria hills in Tiana, within the protected area of the Serralada de Marina. Surrounded by a wild and inspiring natural setting, we are deeply committed to respecting and preserving it.

Aware of the sensitivity of this area, we actively work to protect its rich flora and fauna. To this end, we collaborate with the renowned biologist, environmental consultant, and nature guide, Pere Alzina i Bilbeny, who conducted a comprehensive inventory and analysis of the vertebrate fauna present at the CAN REON estate.

This valuable inventory has served as the foundation for designing and implementing an action plan aimed at fostering biodiversity on our estate. The first initiatives under this plan began in 2023, further solidifying our commitment to environmental conservation.

Actions to Enhance Biodiversity

At CAN REON, several measures have been implemented to protect and promote biodiversity, integrating sustainable practices that support ecological balance and enrich the natural environment:

Permanent Water Reservoir

An abandoned reservoir has been restored and naturalized to enhance its ecosystem and role as a biodiversity hotspot. This reservoir is used not only for irrigation but also supports amphibian populations, serves as a watering point for birds, and fosters the growth of aquatic macroinvertebrate communities in and around it.

Insect Hotels

Specific structures have been installed to increase the availability of food for insectivorous birds and bats. These also encourage populations of beneficial insects, such as bees and ladybugs, which are essential for ecological balance.

Vertical Stakes in the Vineyard

These stakes provide perching and resting spots for birds, particularly diurnal and nocturnal raptors, helping integrate local wildlife into the agricultural landscape.

Bird Feeders

Feeders have been installed to support priority bird species and improve their survival during winter. These also promote ornithological diversity and richness on the estate.

Nest Boxes for Insectivorous Birds

These boxes provide breeding sites for cavity-nesting species like sparrows and tits. They also help combat vineyard pests by encouraging auxiliary wildlife.

Squirrel Feeders

Feeders have been set up to support squirrels during critical periods, such as food shortages, enhancing their reproductive success and ensuring population stability on the estate.

Wildlife Observation

At CAN REON, night-vision cameras are periodically installed to observe and study the wildlife inhabiting the estate. This method provides valuable information about the species present and their behaviors, contributing to more effective and respectful natural resource management.

For example, recordings made by Pau Josa and Pere Norrès have greatly enriched the understanding of local biodiversity.

Birdsong Workshops

Two editions of the workshop “What Do the Birds Say?” have been held at CAN REON, offering an educational and enjoyable activity designed to teach participants how to recognize and draw birdsong.

With great success and participation, the workshop allowed attendees to delve into the fascinating world of birdsong found in Tiana and at the CAN REON estate. Using a unique methodology, participants learned to identify and memorize the calls of various species in an engaging and practical way.

The workshop was led by biologist Pere Alzina i Bilbeny, with a special contribution from saxophonist and improviser Ferran Besalduch, who added a musical dimension to the experience.

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Nucli de l’Alegria, Camí de l’Alegria
08391 Tiana, Barcelona, Catalonia

+34 690 335 795
+34 934 694 492